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Monofilament fishing line for leader
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Dragon Monofilament mainlines HM80 v.2 MONO 50m

New generation of hybrid line, made in the process of so-cal...
Prices from 3.20 €

Dragon Monofilament mainlines HM69 Pro v.2 MONO 50m

New hybrid line, which contains in standard nylon structure...
Prices from 2.50 €

Dragon Monofilament Lines HM80 Competition

Tournament premium grade line with Poliamide Nano+ Technolog...
Prices from 1.83 €

Dragon Monofilament Lines Millennium Soft

Manufactured from crystalline polymer chains of increased le...
Prices from 0.53 €

Dragon Monofilament Lines HM69 50M

HM69hybryd fishing line with fluorocarbon bonds low memory...
Prices from 1.45 €

Drennan Monofilament Lines Supplex Hooklength

Supplex is a fantastic material for float and feeder fishing...
Prices from 2.38 €

Dragon Monofilament Lines HM80 50M

Hybrid fishing lines with fluorocarbon content produced by M...
Prices from 1.35 €