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Method Feeder Fishing Reels
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Okuma 6K Feeder Reel

Okuma 6K Feeder Reel
New 2025!
Prices from 82.50 €

Mikado Katsudo Distance

Mikado Katsudo Distance
New 2025!
The Katsudo Distance is designed for long-distance angling u...
Prices from 76.25 €

Mikado Bixlite Feeder FD

Mikado Bixlite Feeder FD
New 2025!
The Bixlite Feeder series reels are a great place to start y...
Prices from 30.00 €

Mikado Sensual NG Distance

A great reel for feeder fishing or long-distance method fish...
Prices from 49.25 €

Preston Extremity SD

Preston Extremity SD
New 2025!
Improving on the original Extremity range of reels would nev...
Prices from 113.75 €

Preston Centris SD

The Centris SD Reels build on the huge successes of the prev...
Prices from 158.75 €

Shimano Aero XR

The Aero XR is a technically advanced match and feeder reel...
Prices from 153.75 €

Daiwa 23' TDR Distance 25 QD *

The power reel for feder fishing – with 25mm spool stroke an...
Prices from 305.00 €

Trabucco Spectrum FDR

Prices from 75.00 €

Daiwa Kołowrotki 23' Matchman

The starter model from the DAIWA Match & Feeder reels – insp...
Prices from 47.50 €

Daiwa 23' Ninja Match & Feeder LT

The 23' Ninja Match & Feeder models with Airdrive Design – s...
Prices from 68.75 €

Delphin IXTREK

IXTREK is expanding its range of compact reels with a front...
Prices from 37.50 €

Daiwa Tournament Feeder 25 QD reel

Longcast tool with power gear.DAIWA Big Pit reels with 25mm...
Prices from 387.50 €

DAM Quick Impulse 8 Feeder reels

This high-end feeder reel features the best components avail...
Prices from 53.75 €

DAM Quick Impulse 4 Feeder FD Reels

Specifically designed for the art of feeder fishing, this ca...
Prices from 36.00 €

Dragon Reels Megabaits Team Feeder FD

• Body and rotor made of titanium-graphite composite NCRT...
Prices from 55.25 €

Ryobi Reels Riken Method Feeder

■ body, rotor: graphite composite ■ gear: CNC ■ spool: dur...
Prices from 60.00 €

DAM Quick Quick 2 Feeder FD reels

The Quick 2 range just got even better with the addition of...
Prices from 39.25 €

Preston Intensity Feeder Reels

The Intensity Feeder Reels have been designed with one thing...
Prices from 152.50 €

Preston Magnitude Reels

The Magnitude reel range has been developed to cope with the...
Prices from 124.75 €

Preston Inertia reels

The Inertia reels are perfect for the angler that's constrai...
Prices from 74.50 €

Daiwa Tournament QD Reels

Ultra-strong match and feeder reel for highest demands. With...
Prices from 362.50 €

Dragon Mega Baits Method Feeder HS FD800

• 7 stainless steel ball bearings • Infinitive Anti-Reverse...
Prices from 42.50 €

Daiwa TDM QD Reels

Reels Daiwa TDM QD developed for match and feeder fishing. C...
Prices from 150.00 €

Daiwa GS LTD

The Reels Daiwa GS LTD resemble an icone thanks to the combi...
Prices from 102.75 €

Daiwa Ballistic LT Reels

The 17‘ Ballistic LT is based on the new LT concept (Light &...
Prices from 205.00 €

Daiwa TD Feeder QD reels

With the TD Feeder DAIWA offers a reel with aluminum body fo...
Prices from 124.75 €

Daiwa Ninja Match & Feeder LT Reels

The new Ninja Match & Feeder LT convinces optically as well...
Prices from 72.50 €

Ryobi Slam Feeder Reel

- body, side plate and rotor - NCRT titanium-carbon composit...
Prices from 138.50 €