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Fly tying materials
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Semperfli Perfect Quills Synthetic

Like you and many fly tyers, we love tying with Stripped Qui...
Prices from 3.60 €

Hareline Dubbin Lycra Foil Stretch

Lycra Foil Stretch is a durable and slightly stretchable mat...
Prices from 5.43 €

Hareline Dubbin Silicone Bead Pad

A silicone pad with a rough surface, from which heads or oth...
Prices from 7.25 €

Veniard Brush Coat

A new brush on clear coating/finish from Veniard. Comes in a...
Prices from 4.75 €

Hemingway's Tapered Buzzer Quills

Hemingway’s Tapered Buzzer Quills are made from a very thin...
Prices from 3.13 €

Hemingway's Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quill Holo

Hemingways Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quills in Holo colours,...
Prices from 3.30 €

Hemingway's Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quill Fluo

Hemingways Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quills in Fluorescent c...
Prices from 3.30 €

Veniard Adhesive Lead Foil

Very fine depth lead foil with an adhesive backing. Cuts eas...
Prices from 4.13 €

J:son Sweden J:son Realistic Nymph Backs

For Caddis Larvae. Set of 12 in non-toxic silicone, delivere...
Prices from 7.88 €

Hemingway's Mayfly Wings Buds and Back

Realistic sheaths for the bodies and backs of mayfly larvae....
Prices from 2.25 €

J:son Sweden J:son Realistic Nymph Legs

For Mayfly Nymphs. Set of 12 in non-toxic silicone, delivere...
Prices from 7.88 €

Hemingway's May Fly Nymph Body and Legs

Ready-made soft bodies and legs for tying the imitation of m...
Prices from 1.50 €

Hemingway's Evolution Stone Fly - Legs, Tail

The Evolution Series Stonefly nymph is the next cog in the e...
Prices from 3.88 €

Hemingway's Evolution Stone Fly Buds Back

Realistic Evolution imitation Stone Fly foils that work best...
Prices from 3.88 €

Hemingway's Stonefly Wings Buds and Back

Hemingway’s Realistic Stonefly Wing Buds & Back is quite uni...
Prices from 2.25 €

Hemingway's Mayfly Wings II

- Super realistic May Fly Wings - Preshaped and precut – re...
Prices from 4.20 €

Hemingway's Ephemera Danica Nymph Body

Ideal for extended body and other Ephemera Danica flies patt...
Prices from 1.95 €

Hemingway's Caddis Pupa Tube Bodies

Caddis Pupa Tube Body is excellent for tying realistic caddi...
Prices from 3.88 €

Hemingway's Caddis Tube Bodies

Caddis Tube Body is great for tying realistic imitations os...
Prices from 1.95 €

Hemingway's Stone Fly Nymph Body and Legs

Rubber bodies and legs for tying stone fly larvae.
Prices from 1.95 €

Hemingway's Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quill TRANSPARENT

Hemingway’s Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quills are made from a...
Prices from 2.80 €

Hemingway's Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quill

Hemingway’s Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quills are made from a...
Prices from 2.80 €

Hareline Dubbin Synthetic Quill Body

Snip a strip, tie in, wind, Clear Cure Goo Hydro, hit it wit...
Prices from 3.00 €

Veniard Mylar Tubing

Prices from 1.63 €

Wapsi Genuine Fly Lips

Technically speaking, FlyLipps™ are injection-molded lips th...
Prices from 7.88 €

Hareline Dubbin Zap-A-Gap

ZAP-A-GAP CA+ (Green) Medium Viscosity - SUPERIOR GAP FI...
Prices from 8.50 €

Veniard Bug Bond

Bug Bond Original BUG-BOND™ Original: with the viscosity of...
Prices from 29.25 €

Hareline Dubbin Mayfly and Tinted Mayfly Tails

Unique color shades will make any of your flies more realist...
Prices from 3.00 €

Veniard Polypropylene floating yarn

Very popular. Used for sight stumps, wings or tails.
Prices from 2.05 €

Loon Outdoors Loon UV Clear Fly Finish | Thick&Thin

UV Clear Fly Finish Thin With less viscosity than the origi...
Prices from 28.75 €

Veniard Floo Gloo

A flexible clear coating for flies and feathers. Simply coat...
Prices from 6.55 €

Veniard Cellire - super quality varnish

The original and best head cement is fine and extra clear. 1...
Prices from 3.90 €

Hends Lacquer

Prices from 1.38 €

J:son Sweden J:son Realistic Wing Material - Stonefly Nymphs

Wing Material for Stonefly Nymphs. 1 sheet with patterns for...
Prices from 7.63 €

J:son Sweden J:son Realistic Wing Material - Mayfly Nymphs

Wing Material for Mayfly Nymphs. 1 sheet with patterns for 2...
Prices from 7.63 €

J:son Sweden J:son Realistic Wing Material - Caddis

Wing Material for Caddis. 1 sheet with patterns for 24 flies...
Prices from 3.75 €

Stonfo Stonfo Jungle Cock Fantasy

Fantasy jungle cock synthetic feathers. Durable and thin the...
Prices from 5.00 €

J:son Sweden J:son Realistic Tails & Antennas

Tapered tails and antennas in soft, flexible non-toxic silic...
Prices from 7.25 €

FMFly Body Stretch

Prices from 0.88 €

Hemingway's Gammarus back

The HMG Gammarus back are precut for giving your fly a reali...
Prices from 4.05 €