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Monofilament fishing line for leader
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Dragon Monofilament mainlines HM80 v.2 MONO 50m

New generation of hybrid line, made in the process of so-cal...
Prices from 12.80 zł

Dragon Monofilament mainlines HM69 Pro v.2 MONO 50m

New hybrid line, which contains in standard nylon structure...
Prices from 10.00 zł

Dragon Monofilament Lines HM80 Competition

Tournament premium grade line with Poliamide Nano+ Technolog...
Prices from 7.30 zł

Dragon Monofilament Lines Millennium Soft

Manufactured from crystalline polymer chains of increased le...
Prices from 1.50 zł

Dragon Monofilament Lines HM69 50M

HM69hybryd fishing line with fluorocarbon bonds low memory...
Prices from 5.80 zł

Drennan Monofilament Lines Supplex Hooklength

Supplex is a fantastic material for float and feeder fishing...
Prices from 9.50 zł

Dragon Monofilament Lines HM80 50M

Hybrid fishing lines with fluorocarbon content produced by M...
Prices from 5.40 zł