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Fly tying materials
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Semperfli Perfect Quills Synthetic

Like you and many fly tyers, we love tying with Stripped Qui...
Prices from 14.40 zł

Hareline Dubbin Lycra Foil Stretch

Lycra Foil Stretch is a durable and slightly stretchable mat...
Prices from 21.70 zł

Hareline Dubbin Silicone Bead Pad

A silicone pad with a rough surface, from which heads or oth...
Prices from 29.00 zł

Veniard Brush Coat

A new brush on clear coating/finish from Veniard. Comes in a...
Prices from 19.00 zł

Hemingway's Tapered Buzzer Quills

Hemingway’s Tapered Buzzer Quills are made from a very thin...
Prices from 12.50 zł

Hemingway's Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quill Holo

Hemingways Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quills in Holo colours,...
Prices from 13.20 zł

Hemingway's Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quill Fluo

Hemingways Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quills in Fluorescent c...
Prices from 13.20 zł

Veniard Adhesive Lead Foil

Very fine depth lead foil with an adhesive backing. Cuts eas...
Prices from 16.50 zł

J:son Sweden J:son Realistic Nymph Backs

For Caddis Larvae. Set of 12 in non-toxic silicone, delivere...
Prices from 31.50 zł

Hemingway's Mayfly Wings Buds and Back

Realistic sheaths for the bodies and backs of mayfly larvae....
Prices from 9.00 zł

J:son Sweden J:son Realistic Nymph Legs

For Mayfly Nymphs. Set of 12 in non-toxic silicone, delivere...
Prices from 31.50 zł

Hemingway's May Fly Nymph Body and Legs

Ready-made soft bodies and legs for tying the imitation of m...
Prices from 6.00 zł

Hemingway's Evolution Stone Fly - Legs, Tail

The Evolution Series Stonefly nymph is the next cog in the e...
Prices from 15.50 zł

Hemingway's Evolution Stone Fly Buds Back

Realistic Evolution imitation Stone Fly foils that work best...
Prices from 15.50 zł

Hemingway's Stonefly Wings Buds and Back

Hemingway’s Realistic Stonefly Wing Buds & Back is quite uni...
Prices from 9.00 zł

Hemingway's Mayfly Wings II

- Super realistic May Fly Wings - Preshaped and precut – re...
Prices from 16.80 zł

Hemingway's Ephemera Danica Nymph Body

Ideal for extended body and other Ephemera Danica flies patt...
Prices from 7.80 zł

Hemingway's Caddis Pupa Tube Bodies

Caddis Pupa Tube Body is excellent for tying realistic caddi...
Prices from 15.50 zł

Hemingway's Caddis Tube Bodies

Caddis Tube Body is great for tying realistic imitations os...
Prices from 7.80 zł

Hemingway's Stone Fly Nymph Body and Legs

Rubber bodies and legs for tying stone fly larvae.
Prices from 7.80 zł

Hemingway's Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quill TRANSPARENT

Hemingway’s Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quills are made from a...
Prices from 11.20 zł

Hemingway's Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quill

Hemingway’s Synthetic Tapered Peacock Quills are made from a...
Prices from 11.20 zł

Hareline Dubbin Synthetic Quill Body

Snip a strip, tie in, wind, Clear Cure Goo Hydro, hit it wit...
Prices from 12.00 zł

Veniard Mylar Tubing

Prices from 6.50 zł

Wapsi Genuine Fly Lips

Technically speaking, FlyLipps™ are injection-molded lips th...
Prices from 31.50 zł

Hareline Dubbin Zap-A-Gap

ZAP-A-GAP CA+ (Green) Medium Viscosity - SUPERIOR GAP FI...
Prices from 34.00 zł

Veniard Bug Bond

Bug Bond Original BUG-BOND™ Original: with the viscosity of...
Prices from 117.00 zł

Hareline Dubbin Mayfly and Tinted Mayfly Tails

Unique color shades will make any of your flies more realist...
Prices from 12.00 zł

Veniard Polypropylene floating yarn

Very popular. Used for sight stumps, wings or tails.
Prices from 8.20 zł

Loon Outdoors Loon UV Clear Fly Finish | Thick&Thin

UV Clear Fly Finish Thin With less viscosity than the origi...
Prices from 115.00 zł

Veniard Floo Gloo

A flexible clear coating for flies and feathers. Simply coat...
Prices from 26.20 zł

Veniard Cellire - super quality varnish

The original and best head cement is fine and extra clear. 1...
Prices from 15.60 zł

Hends Lacquer

Prices from 5.50 zł

J:son Sweden J:son Realistic Wing Material - Stonefly Nymphs

Wing Material for Stonefly Nymphs. 1 sheet with patterns for...
Prices from 30.50 zł

J:son Sweden J:son Realistic Wing Material - Mayfly Nymphs

Wing Material for Mayfly Nymphs. 1 sheet with patterns for 2...
Prices from 30.50 zł

J:son Sweden J:son Realistic Wing Material - Caddis

Wing Material for Caddis. 1 sheet with patterns for 24 flies...
Prices from 15.00 zł

Stonfo Stonfo Jungle Cock Fantasy

Fantasy jungle cock synthetic feathers. Durable and thin the...
Prices from 20.00 zł

J:son Sweden J:son Realistic Tails & Antennas

Tapered tails and antennas in soft, flexible non-toxic silic...
Prices from 29.00 zł

FMFly Body Stretch

Prices from 3.50 zł

Hemingway's Gammarus back

The HMG Gammarus back are precut for giving your fly a reali...
Prices from 16.20 zł