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Fly tying materials - chenille
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Semperfli Synthetic Herl 2mm Extra Small

Semperfli Synthetic Herl 2mm Extra Small
New 2025!
Designed to imitate natural Peacock Herl Semperfli Synthetic...
Prices from 21.00 zł

Semperfli Mopster Mop Chenille 6mm

Semperfli Mopster Mop Chenille 6mm
New 2025!
Mop flies have been proving deadly in reservoirs, managed fi...
Prices from 26.00 zł

Semperfli EggStatic Egg Fritz 8mm

Semperfli EggStatic Egg Fritz 8mm
New 2025!
Semperfli has taken Egg Fritz or Chenilles to the next level...
Prices from 26.00 zł

Semperfli Sparkle Worm Chenille

It is the perfect body material. It is 3mm in diameter. Love...
Prices from 22.00 zł

Semperfli Suede Chenille

Suede Chenille is an ultra fine suede chenille which is perf...
Prices from 8.50 zł

FMFly Diamond Chenille 15mm

Diamond Chenille 15mm is a translucent, slightly shimmering...
Prices from 4.20 zł

Semperfli Straggle String Micro Chenille

Specially designed micro chenille with just 2 micro bnded co...
Prices from 12.40 zł

Semperfli Straggle String Multicard Pack

A multicard selection of Straggle String in a wonderful rang...
Prices from 19.80 zł

Veniard Mop Chenille

The material from car washing/polishing mitts, now available...
Prices from 13.00 zł

FMFly Krystal Chenille

Krystal Chenille is a translucent, soft, slightly shimmering...
Prices from 4.00 zł

Hemingway's Deer Hair Dubbing Brush

Dubbing Brush made of deer hair, which is suitable for tying...
Prices from 17.00 zł

Hemingway's Streamer Brush With Micro Legs

Brush with micro legs 2.5” wide, 10” length. This is a pre-m...
Prices from 11.80 zł

Hemingway's Streamer Brush Flash Blend

Flesh blend 2.5 “ wide, 10” lengthGreat gor Steelhead, Salm...
Prices from 14.50 zł

FMFly Diamond Chenille 4mm & 10mm

Diamond Chenille is a translucent, slightly shining UV refle...
Prices from 3.80 zł

FMFly Glow Chenille

Glow Chenille, as the name says, shines in the dark after th...
Prices from 5.50 zł

FMFly Spectrum Chenille

Spectrum Chenille is one of the most popular types of chenil...
Prices from 3.80 zł

Hends Estaz Chenille

Prices from 5.00 zł

Hareline Dubbin Polar Chenille

Polar Chenille has long translucent fibers that undulate lik...
Prices from 10.60 zł

Veniard Cactus Chenille

Dazzling body material made from flashabou type fibres.
Prices from 6.40 zł

Enrico Puglisi EP Shrimp Dub Brush

I originally developed EP® SHRIMP DUB to use on my shrimp pa...
Prices from 44.50 zł

Hemingway's Hare Dubbing Brush

Hare Dubbing Brush is hand-made ready-to-use material for ty...
Prices from 16.80 zł

Wapsi Palmer Chenille

A Pearlescent single-sided chenille that can be used to wrap...
Prices from 19.50 zł

Veniard Veniard - Turbo Translucent Chenille

The original Blob chenille. Purely translucent strands. Avai...
Prices from 13.20 zł

Veniard Micro Cactus Chenille

Extremely fine diameter spooled pearl cactus chenille. Great...
Prices from 8.00 zł

Veniard Krystal Chenille

A really dazzling body material. Made from Krystal Flash fib...
Prices from 6.50 zł