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Hanak Fly Reels Lake Pro 78

Price from 825.00 zł View products

Modern lightweight large arbor reel designed for still-water fishing with Airflo 40+ or Rio Outbound (AFTMA 6, 7 and 8) lines. Smooth function is guaranteed by two ball-bearings in combination with super-roller bearing. Material: machine-cut from 6061-grade air-aluminium bar stock in combination with stainless steel. Metal reel with three plastic spools and quality drag.
Fly Reel Hanak Lake Pro 78 WF7F + 70 m
Fly Reel Hanak Lake Pro 78 WF7F + 70 m

Code: REEL-LAKE-78

AFTM #: 7/8
Bearings: 2
Spare spool: no
Spool capacity: WF7F + 70 m
Spool diameter: 104 mm
Weight: 159.00 g

825.00 zł

Fly Reels Lake Pro 78

Modern lightweight large arbor reel designed for still-water fishing with Airflo 40+ or Rio Outbound (AFTMA 6, 7 and 8) lines. Smooth function is guaranteed by two ball-bearings in combination with super-roller bearing. Material: machine-cut from 6061-grade air-aluminium bar stock in combination with stainless steel. Metal reel with three plastic spools and quality drag.
Czech Competition Barbless Hooks - Hanak hooks are the result of a long-term development in cooperation with the major Czech competition fly fishermen.
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GPSR for Hanak

HANÁK, spol. s r.o.
Polni 780/92
63900 Brno, Czech Republic
VAT CZ25342321